My name is Quan. Currently, I’m researcher at Chonnam National University under the advice of Professor Jinsul Kim. I get degree of Engineer in School of Electronics (SET), Hanoi University of Science and Technology Telecommunications (HUST), Vietnam. Also, I graduated Master course of Electronics and Computer Engineering (ECE), at Chonnam National University (CNU), Korea in 2017 .
Research Interests
My research topic includes Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligent. Besides, I take a look into Data Mining, Big Data topic. I am interesting in Image Processing.Publications
Jinsul Kim, Akm Ashiquzzaman, Van Quan Nguyen, Sang Woo Kim, Kwangki Kim, “Real-time Social Media Multi-Platforms Application based on Firebase in NFV Environment”, International Conference on Engineering Polymers and Plastic, Building Design and Computer Sciences, September 24-25, 2018, Mövenpick Hotel Sukhumvit 15 Bangkok, Thailand.
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Van Quan Nguyen, Linh Van Ma, Jinsul Kim, “Applications of Anomaly Detection Using Deep Learning on Time Series Data”, The 16th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 12-15 August 2018, Athens, Greece.
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Van Quan Nguyen, Linh Van Ma, Jinsul Kim, “Deep Learning-based approach to Smart Factory Methods and Applications”, 2018 한국정보기술학회한국디지털콘텐츠학회 하계공동학술대회, Chosun University, South Korea, June 08, 2018.
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Van Quan Nguyen, Linh Van Ma, Jinsul Kim, “Hadoop-based System for Analysis Big Social Sensor Data”, 2018 한국정보기술학회한국디지털콘텐츠학회 하계공동학술대회, Chosun University, South Korea, June 08, 2018.
PDF View - Van Quan Nguyen, Linh Van Ma, 김진술, “LSTM-based Anomaly Detection on Big Data for Smart Factory Monitoring”, 한국디지털콘텐츠학회논문지, 제19권, 제4호, pp.789-799, 2018. 04.
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Van Quan Nguyen, Jong Min Joo, Tien Nguyen Anh, Huyng-Jeong Yang, “Social media based event detection using multi-embedding and deep learning”, Korea Software Congress 2017.
Dinh-Son Tran, Hyung-Jeong Yang, Soo-Hyung Kim, Guee Sang Lee, Luu-Ngoc Do, Ngoc-Huynh Ho, Van Quan Nguyen , "Audio-based Emotion Recognition using GMM Supervector and SVM Linear Kernel", Proceedings of 2018 The 2nd Internaional Conference on Machine Learning and Soft Computing(ICMLSC 2018), 2018.02.
Van Quan Nguyen, Hyung-Jeong Yang, Young-chul Kim,Soo-Hyung Kim, Kyungbaek Kim, “Social Media based Real-time Event Detection by using Deep Learning Methods”, Smart Media Journal, Vol.6, No.3, pp.41-48, Sep 2017.
Van Quan Nguyen,Tien Nguyen Anh,Hyung-Jeong Yang, “Multi-word Embeddings CNN for Identifying Informative Messages”, The 5th International Conference on Big Data Applications and Services(5th BIGDAS). 2017.11, Jeju Island, South Korea. (Best Paper Award).
Van Quan Nguyen, Huyng-Jeong Yang, Young-chul Kim, Soo-hyung Kim, Guee Sang Lee, Minku Kwon, “Design and Implementation of Event Detection System on Hadoop”, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Software & Smart Convergence(ICSSC 2017). 2017.06.
Van Quan Nguyen, Hyung-Jeong Yang, Kyungbaek Kim, A-Ran Oh, “Real-time Earthquake Detection using Convolutional Neural Network and Social Data”, IEEE BigMM 2017 , USA, 2017.04.
Van Quan Nguyen, Hyung-Jeong Yang, Kyungbaek Kim, Kwon Minku, “Earthquake Detection Using Social Network Data based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) network”, Korea Smart Media Institute Conference Proceedings, pp.46-50, Seoul National University, April 2017
Tien Duong Vu, Hyung-Jeong Yang, Van Quan Nguyen, A-Ran Oh, Mi-Sun Kim, “Multimodal learning using convolution neural network and Sparse Autoencoder”, Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp), 2017 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2017.02.
Van Quan Nguyen, Thang Nguyen Vu, Cuong Vo Le “Low cost FPGA implementation of adaptive rank order filter,” Journal of Science and Technology. 2015
Thang Nguyen Xuan, Hoan Nguyen Viet, Quan Nguyen Van, Khanh Tran Huy, and Cuong Vo Le, “Boundary sorting method for low cost FPGA implementation of adaptive rank order filter”, 6th AUN/SEED-Net Region Conference on Electrical Engineering, Malaysia. May 2014.
R&D Projects
Period | Title | Fund Support | Status |
2017.07.20 ~ Current | Big Data-based SCADA Data Analysis and Intelligent Failure Prediction System Performance Optimization Study 빅 데이터 기반의 SCADA 데이터 분석 및 지능형 장애예측 시스템 성능 최적화 연구 |
XISOM, Republic of Korea | Completed |
2016.10.01 ~ 2017.03.31 |
A Study on Data Quality Improvement Technique for High Capacity Multimedia Transmission and Multiuser Sharing using Network Performance Analysis 네트워크 성능분석을 이용한 고용량 멀티미디어 전송 및 멀티유저간의 공유를 위한 데이터 품질향상 기술 연구 |
ETRI, Republic of Korea | Completed |